
Center Exam

The Japan Times Online

We heard a lot about the センター試験 in the news last week. So what is the so called "center exam" and why does it have such a strange name?

I Googled センター試験 and found the National Center for University Entrance Examinations Web site. After 20 years, I now know what "center exam" means. However, to non-Japanese, "center exam" sounds like a grammatical mistake, "Didn't you mean 'central exam'?" is the question I have asked before.

Interestingly enough, a writer at The Japan Times, had a well written article about the Center Exam. They wrote/translated センター試験 as "unified entrance exams for universities and colleges," which sounds a lot better than "center exam." Later in the article, they just referred to it as "national exam."

SPACE ALC's dictionary gives the following in-depth definitions:

  • センター試験
    • national center test for university
    • preliminary university entrance examinations administered by the government
  • 大学入試センター試験
    • National Center Test for University Admissions
    • test of the National Center for University Entrance Examination
    • standardized preliminary examinations for university applicants
    • national exam [examination] center's test for university admissions

  • 大学入試センター試験
    • University Testing Center Examination (UTCE)

So, the next time I want to ask a friend or student about the "center exam," I'll probably use "unified national entrance exam." How about you? Which phrase will you use?


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