
Spell Your Name for Non-Japanese

When telling the spelling of your name in an English conversation, use the rhythm and style of English-speaking people. Remember, don't use the romaji version of your name. Most non-Japanese don't know about romaji, so using the romaji version of your name may sound unnatural to foreign ears. Furthermore, if you spell your name in romaji, it might be difficult for non-Japanese ears to catch.

For example, if your name is Satsuko, then you don't want so say "SA, TSU, KO," but rather, "SAT, SU, KO."

"SA, TSU, KO"はローマ字のつづりです。さ=SA、つ=TSU、こ=KO。しかし、ローマ字と「さ・し・す・せ・そ」と「た・ち・つ・て・と」と「か・き・く・け・こ」は日本語です。「みつこ」は、「SATSUKO」で書くと、英語のつづりではなく、日本語のローマ字になってしまう。外国人はローマ字及び日本語の五十音図がしりませんので、「SATSUKO」のつづりがちょっと変です

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