Here is a list of other word pairs that I think are more common everyday conversation:
back and forth: 前後に(= to and fro), (前後[左右]に)行ったり来たりbells and whistles: 必要とはされないが楽しいまたはあると便利なソフト機能
- The lawyers argued back and forth.
black and blue: (打撲で)青黒いあざになった
- New cell phones have a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles.
cat and mouse: 猫とネズミ:ネズミになった子が猫になった子につかまらないようにして遊ぶ遊戯
- My arms and legs were black and blue after the motorcycle accident.
down and out: 一文なし
- The CIA and KGB played deadly cat and mouse games during the Cold War.
here and there: あちこち
- He was down and out after losing all of his money at the casino.
high and dry: 見捨てられている
- The young man lived here and there before settling down and getting married.
ins and outs: ノウハウ; 何もかも
- We were left high and dry when our company moved to China.
knife and fork (not fork and knife)
- The engineer worked hard to learn the ins and outs of the system.
ladies and gentlemen (never gentlemen and ladies)
lost and found: 遺失物取扱所loud and clear: はっきりと分かる
- I went to the station lost and found to get my wallet back.
mother and father (not father and mother)
- It was loud and clear that he was angry after slamming the door shut.
night and day: 昼も夜も休まずにnuts and bolts: 基本を心得ている
- We worked night and day to meet the deadline.
pros and cons: メリットとデメリット; 利点と不利点]
- You can't move to a higher level until you learn the nuts and bolts.
sick and tired: 嫌気が差す, うんざりする
- Using a credit card has its pros and cons.
stop and go: のろのろ[運転]
- I am sick and tired of her constant complaining.
thick and thin: 楽な時もつらい時も
- I was stuck in stop-and-go traffic for three hours.
tooth and nail: 猛烈に戦う
- Their marriage survived through thick and thin.
- Hillary Clinton is fighting tooth and nail to become the next president.
touch and go
up and coming
all or nothing
day or night
more or less
rain or shine
sink or swim
sooner or later
black and white
give and take
hit and miss
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