
Notes from the HN Class

  • path: 小道
Many young families enjoyed walking along the path in the park.
(若い家族 young families; 散歩を楽しみ enjoy walking; 小道を歩み続ける along the path; 公園に in the park)

The little girl followed the path into the bushes where she found Totoro!
(little girl 少女; follow the path 小道を歩; into the bushes 茂みに入る; found 発見した)
  • seek: 捜し求める
Some people join a church because they are seeking the meaning of life.
(some people 人もいる; join a church 教会の信者になる; because なぜならば; meaning of life 人生の意味)

The children played hide and seek in the backyard.
(children 子供たち; played 遊んだ; hide and seek かくれんぼ; backyard 裏庭)

I looked up his telephone number in the yellow pages.
(looked up で調べる; telephone number 電話番号; yellow pages 職業別電話帳)

I searched everywhere in my apartment for my glasses.
(search everywhere くまなく捜す; apartment アパート、マンション、コンドミニアム; glasses メガネ)
  • mass media: シャーナリズム、マスメディア、マスコミ、報道機関
  • mass: A lump or aggregate of coherent material: a cancerous mass (tumor) ガン細胞の塊
  • benign tumor: nonmalignant tumor (良性)
  • malignant: cancerous tumor that can spread and kill 悪性
The tumor in his brain was benign.

The doctor discovered a malignant tumor on her right leg.
  • pass: 合格する | 鉄道の通勤定期券[乗車券]
There are two kinds of commuter passes: student commuter passes and ordinary commuter passes.

I passed the 5th level examination.
  • I don't ~ either. (私も~ではありません。)
A: I don't like to go to the zoo. B: I don't like to go to the zoo either. // Me neither.
  • violin and bow: draw the bow across the strings to play the violin
  • missing: 足りない部分;足りない物
  • a lot like ~: ~そっくり; ~にによく似ている;
Classroom English:
  • What do you call this (while pointing with your finger) in English?
  • I don't know what you call this (while pointing with your finger) in English.
  • How do you spell ザイラーフォーン?It is spelled xyl, oph, one.
  • It's called a ~.


Just for Fun:

Notes from the SA Class

  • haircut: 散髪
  • barber shop: 床屋
  • beauty salon: 美容院
My friend showed me the place where he got his hair cut, but he wasn’t around when I had to go there. So I had to figure out what to say by myself. Good thing I had my dictionary.

The hairdresser was a pretty cool guy – young, stylish clothes, and he had very nice hair. OK.

“I would like to get a hair cut, please.”

But how did I want it cut? I didn’t want a dorky haircut, but how could I explain to the guy how to do it cool? Maybe he could show me a picture from a magazine or something. But unlike Japanese guys, my hair was very curly. Would this guy be able cut gaijin hair?

“Here, short. Here very short. Here, a little long.”

That's all he needed. He was good, and the haircut was very cool.[1]
Recently, there is a growing number of cut-price barber shops that offer quick and cheap haircuts for only 1,000 yen![2]
  • log cabin: A small, one-room house built of logs.[3, 4]
  • tree house: A structure built among the limbs of a tree, usually for recreation.[5]
  • Jolly Roger: a black flag used by pirates with a white skull and crossbones. The crossbones and skull image is now used to mean poison. [6]
  • bow: (船首)the front end of a ship or aircraft
  • stern: (船尾) the back end of a ship or aircraft
  • autism: 自閉症
  • illegible: 〔文字などが〕読みにくい
  • pigeon/dove: 鳩
  • coo: 〔ハトの〕クークーという鳴き声;〔ハトが〕クークー鳴く; 優しい声で言う[ささやく]、優しく語り掛ける
  • stir: かき混ぜる
  • steer: 運転する


1. 日本がダイスキな外人のブログ -マーティとユキコの恋物語
2. The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group
3. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003.
4. Dictionary of Real Estate Terms. Copyright © 2004 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
5. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2007. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.



Notes from the IK Ladies Class

  • political satire: 政治風刺
Jon Stewart of the The Daily Show is a popular political satirist on cable TV and on the Web.[1] He was also host of the 2006 Academy Awards.

The television show was a satire on political leaders. (そのテレビのショー番組は、政界の指導者たちを風刺したものだった。)
  • remind: ~に(~を)思い出させる
Your blouse reminds me of some of the costumes in the Austin Powers movies--lots of 60s groovy style. あなたが着ている ブラウスは、オースティン・パワーズの映画に出た衣装デザインを思い出させる。
  • drop vs fall
    • drop: to let go of something on purpose or by accident (落とす); to let (allow) something fall.
I dropped my contacts in the bathroom sink. (contacts コンタクトレンズ; bathroom sink バスルームの洗面台・浴室のシンク)
I dropped my chopsticks on the floor the first time I tried to use them.(chopsticks はし)
My wife dropped an egg on the floor.(奥さんは卵を床に落とした。)
    • fall: to come/go down accidentally or unintentionally(落ちる)
I fell down the stairs when I was a boy.(少年の時、私は階段から落ちた。)
The egg fell from the kitchen counter onto the floor and broke.(卵が台所の台から床に落ちて割れた。)
  • lost article/lost item
A lost article (lost item) was sent back to the owner.(落し物が持ち主に戻った。)
A lost item (lost article) was sent back to the owner.(忘れ物が持ち主に戻った。)

Additional Items:


1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart


Notes from the FM Class

  • 実は: actually; to tell the truth; as a matter of fact; the fact is
Who actually saw the accident?

But the fact is that hip design sells.
(しかし実際には[本当のところは], 流行の先端を行くかっこいいデザインは売れるのである.)

To tell the truth, she is not my friend.
  • 営業経費: operating cost; operating expense; operating expenses
    • 資産の保有に際して必要になる経費。固定経費 (Fixed); 変動経費 (Variable); 維持修繕費 (Maintenance); 取替費または特別修繕費 (Replacement) などがある。[1]
Analysis of Operating Cost in Japanese Railway Accounting

MAPICS SCM enables manufacturers in Japan to make the best use of supply chain capacity and plan production across the entire supply chain, resulting in increased throughput, increased on-time delivery, reduced inventory and reduced operating expenses.
  • 見積もり: calculation; cost computation; estimation; evaluation; projection; quotation; quote; appraisal; estimate
  • 加える 【くわえる】 to append; to sum up; to add (up); to include; to increase
  • stroke: 脳卒中
  • heart attack: 心臓麻痺


1. The Hakuba Group
2. 研究紀要. Memoirs of Takayama Junior College. Vol. 18(19950131) pp. 51-66. 高山自動車短期大学. ISSN:03866890
3. MAPICS, Inc.

Additional Reading:


Notes from the KJ Class

  • cot: キャンプ用折り畳みベッド
    • The families slept on cots in the Red Cross shelter during the hurricane.
  • want: 欲しい
    • My son wants a puppy for his birthday.
  • rob: 盗む
    • The 7-Eleven in my neighborhood was robbed last night!
  • rod: 鋼棒
  • ~ sounds like ~: ~と~は似ている発音します
    • "Fish" sounds like "dish." / "Sushi" sounds like "mushi."
  • driver: 運転手
  • screwdriver: マイナスドライバー
  • Phillips screwdriver: プラスドライバー
  • pinch: 〔体の一部を〕つねる
  • pliers: ペンチ

A: What did you do this last three-day weekend?
B: Oh, nothing. I stayed home the whole time.


Additional Information:


Notes from the IK Class

  • philanthropic activities: 慈善事業; 博愛事業; 慈善活動
    • Since its foundation, Toyota has conducted business based on the guiding principle of "contributing toward a prosperous society by making things and making automobiles," while also actively engaging in various philanthropic activities in an attempt to contribute to the development of society.[1]
    • The Japan Foundation has extended invitations to Japan to ten pivotal people involved in philanthropic activities in India for the period of November 9-14. [2]
  • philanthropy: a ~ 博愛; 慈善(活動); 篤志活動; 企業による社会貢献[奉仕; メセナ](活動)
  • corporate philanthropy : 企業の社会貢献[奉仕](活動); 企業メセナ
  • usually buy ~ by the case: ケースで売る・買う
    • I usually by some beer by the case.
    • My wife usually buys things by the case at Costco.
  • (don't/doesn't) want to be seen doing ~:~をしながら、見られたくない。
    • My husband doesn't like to be seen buying sanitary napkins.
    • I don't like to be seen carrying a case of beer from the liquor store.


1. Toyota Environmental & Social Report
2. The Japan Foundation
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典

Additional Reading:


Notes from the IY Class

  • Punctuation (marks): 句読点





exclamation mark



question mark





quotation mark



dollar sign



percent sign






left parenthesis



right parenthesis



at sign



left bracket



right bracket















period, dot, point






equal sign



en dash



em dash

長いダーシ(ただし、タイプライターや一般的なパソコンのキーボードではダーシをダブルハイフン (--) で代用する。)

plus sign



  • be impressed with ~
    • Example: I was impressed with the beautiful ceramic vase on the table.




Notes from NY Class


A: Good morning, Taro.
B: Good morning, Chip.
A: How are you today?
B: I love hot weather, so I guess I'm doing great!
A: Really! I hate hot weather.
B: Well, hang in there.
A: Thanks. I will.

  • a solid yellow shirt // a plain yellow shirt
  • a striped green shirt
  • a plaid red shirt
  • a pink polka dot shirt
  • a checkered blue shirt



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