

How would you say 義理の親(配偶者の父または母)in English?

Some native English speakers might say, "parent-in-laws," which sounds natural to some ears, but the correct form is "parents-in-law." However, if you drop "parents," you can say "in-laws" which would include everybody: father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.

Here is a short list of other nouns that have irregular plural forms:

・ father-in-law → fathers-in-law (義理の父)
・ mother-in-law → mothers-in-law (姑、義母)
・ brother-in-law → brothers-in-law (義理の兄弟、義兄、義弟)
・ sister-in-law → sisters-in-law (義理の姉)
・ attorney general → attorneys general or attorney generals (検事総長)
・ secretary-general → secretaries-general (事務総長)

Be careful with the usage of dashes. All of these nouns need a dash except for attorney general.

CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language



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