
Skipping Class?

What should you say if you need to skip or cancel your class at ANMI Eikaiwa? Let's take a look at a recent email I received from a new student:


First, we need to choose a good subject (件名) line. Here are a few ideas:
  • Notice of Absence (欠席の知らせ)
  • Notice of Cancellation (キャンセルの知らせ)
Second, we need to make a greeting (挨拶). To a customer or boss use this style:
  • Dear Mr. Suzuki:
  • Dear Mrs. Jones:
  • Dear Ms. Keiko Matsuda:
  • Dear Professor Watanabe:
  • Dear Dr. Sorensen:
When sending email to a friend, family member, or if you are the customer, use this style:
  • Dear Chip,
  • Dear Chikako,
  • Dear MasterCard Customer Support,
  • Dear Family,
  • Dear Friends,
One point! There is NO space between the last letter and a colon or comma.

Third, let's make some sample text for your email.
  • Good morning. (おはようございます。)
  • Good afternoon. (こんにちは。)
  • Good evening. (こんばんは。)
  • I had a sudden change of plans. (急用のため、本日お休みいたします。)
  • I am not feeling well today. (ちょっと調子が悪い。)
  • I have to work overtime tonight. (今晩、残業がある。)
  • So, I have to cancel my class tonight. (だから、私は今晩クラスをキャンセルします。)
  • So, I cannot attend my class tonight. (だから、私は今晩欠席します。)
  • I will see you in class next week. (また、来週よろしくお願いたします。)
  • I will send email to reschedule my next class. (次回のレッスンの予約をメールでします。)
Finally, we need to provide a closing. There are many options to choose from. Here are some examples:
  • Sincerely,
  • Best regards,
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Sincerely yours,
  • Thank you,
Point: Be sure to only capitalize the first word and to add a comma at the end.

Last, add your name or full name if appropriate. It is also a good idea to add your contact information. For example:

Example 1.
Example 2.
Chip Sorensen

Tel 045-841-4218
Fax 045-841-4288
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Here is the final version of the following Japanese:
Subject: Notice of Absence

Dear Chip,

Good evening. I had a sudden change of plans. So, I cannot attend my class tonight. I will see you in class next week.

Best regards,

Taro Suzuki


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Pull an All-nighter

Do you work overtime very much? One of our students pulls all-nighters at least three or four times a week.

Today's key word is all-nighter. The term "all-nighter" is an informal term that means a night during which you work or study all night long instead of sleeping.
  • Japanese: 徹夜する;一晩中続く;徹夜の仕事;徹夜の勉強
  • Function: noun (countable)
  • Plural: all-nighters
  • Status: informal
  • Spelling: all nighter or all-nighter
  • I have to pull an all nighter to finish my presentation on time.
  • Avoid pulling an all nighter by keeping up with your study schedule.
  • Senators pulled an all-nighter for a debate on the Iraq War.
Real-World Applications:
  • Email from my brother date July 2005:
    • "I better get back to work. I am here at the office pulling an all-nighter, have a deadline tomorrow."
  • Homework assignment from student:
    • "I'm going to book a room for us tomorrow because we might pull an all-nighter that day."
  • When was the last time you pulled an all nighter? What did you do to help stay awake?
  • Would you quit your job if you had to pull many all nighters at your job?
  • Do you think pulling an all nighter always leads to karoshi (death brought on by overwork or job-related exhaustion)?
Interesting Reading:
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter to study or finish a project? How about doing it for 11 days in a row? A man in Cornwall, England, actually went 11 consecutive days without a wink of sleep. Learn how he did it and why you shouldn't attempt it.


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