
Class Notes from the SA Class.

  • How can I see your blog? どうやって、ブログを見ることできますか?
  • How can I see this page? どうやって、このページを見ることできますか?
  • headboard: (ベッドの)ヘッドボード、頭板
  • gingerbread cookie: ジンジャーブレッド◆甘いショウガ入りのクッキー(gingerbread cookie または gingersnap)またはケーキ。クッキーは固く焼かれ、通常丸い形をしている。ケーキは糖みつで味付けをされることが多い。
  • diplomat: 外交官
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA): 外務省
  • blackmail: ~を脅す、恐喝する
  • drawback: 欠点




Notes from the KH Class


A: Long time, no see! (お久しぶりですね。)
B: Yes! It has been a long time, hasn't it. (そうですね。)
A: So, how have you been? (元気でしたか?)
B: I was busy preparing for exams. (テストの準備で忙しかった。)
A: Really? How did you do? (本当?どうだった?)
B: I did horrible. (ダメだった。)
A: I'm sorry to hear that. Better luck next time. (それは残念だったね。次ぎ頑張ってね。)
B: Thank you.(ありがとう。)

  • to go through (a person, organization, authority, etc.): 学校を通す;上司を通す
  • ウィークリーマンション・マンスリーマンション: a furnished apartment; a weekly or monthly rental condominium



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Notes from the IK Class

  • Which vs What
    • Use "which" when there are a limited number of items to choose from. Use "what" when there are a limitless or many number of items to choose from.
  • Test your understanding at a British website Created by Eduard Roose
    • Which or What?
      • which: 選択肢が限られている場合。 2冊、3冊の中で好きな本の場合:Which book do you like?
      • what: 選択の範囲がひろい場合。 どれでも好きな本の場合: What book do you like?
  • Examples:
    • What is your favorite drink? I like melon soda the most./Melon soda is my favorite drink.
    • Which do you prefer, melon soda or Pepsi? I prefer melon soda.
    • (Looking at a picture of a large family...) Which one are you? I am the handsome-looking one on the right.
  • If I click on the link, can I see the information on your blog?
More Vocabulary:
  • oars (櫂): an oar is used on both sides of a rowboat.
  • skeleton (骸骨): Indiana Jones found a skeleton in the cave.
  • karaoke parlor: カラオケボックスの入っている建物。
Phrases: 不十分、足りない
  • I don't get enough sleep.
  • I don't get enough rest.
  • I don't get enough practice. [piano, soccer, speaking foreign languages, etc.]
  • I don't get enough calcium.
  • I don't get enough iron.
  • I don't get enough exercise.
  • I don't get enough time with my family.
  • I don't get enough fruit and green vegetables in my diet.
  • My sister got a speeding ticket.
  • My sister got a parking ticket.
  • My sister got a traffic moving violation.




Notes from the HN Class


A: How are you doing this afternoon?
B: Not bad. And you?
A: I'm doing OK. It's getting nice and cool these days.
B: Yes--finally!

  • VIP (ビップ) *English pronunciation is ビー・アイ・ピー
  • VIPs (ビップの複数形)
  • a long time ago ずっと以前に
  • luggage 旅行かばん(類)、手荷物◆トランクやスーツケースなど


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Phrases and Vocabulary for the FM Class

  • I catch the bus at the bus stop that is one stop before Kamiooka bus termial.
  • My bus stop is one stop before Kamiooka bus terminal.
  • I get of at the bus stop that is one stop past Hinochuo bus stop.
  • Have you ever heard of a scrimshander before?
    • Have you ever heard of ~ before? ~の事について、聞いたことがありますか?

A: Have you ever been to Victoria Station?
B: No, I haven't. Is it any good?
A: Yes! They have an all-you-can-eat salad bar, and serve excellent rolls and steak.
B: What menu item would you suggest?
A: I suggest filet mignon. It's a little expensive, but well worth it!



Phrases and Vocabulary from the IY Class


× Thank you for your calling.
◎ Thank you for your call.
◎ Thank you for calling.

× I joined in the sports festival, which a health insurance company manages.
◎ I participated in the sport's day events, which are sponsored by my company's health insurance organization.
  • I ran in the marathon at my company's sport's day event.
  • I played tug-o'-war at my company's sport's day event.
  • I competed in the tamaire game.

join: become a member of something
  • join a local sports gym (Konami Sports, Tipness, etc.)
  • join a political party (Liberal Democratic Party [自民党], the Communist Party [共産党], the Democratic Party [民主党])
  • join a religious orgainzation (創価学会, ものみの塔, イスラム教)
  • join a civic group (ライオンズクラブ国際財団, 平和部隊, ピース ウィンズ・ジャパン, etc.)
  • join a military organization (U.S. Army, British Royal Navy, Japan Air Self Defense Forces, etc.)
cicada: 《虫》セミ
Let's rock 'n' roll!: いくぜ!


Phrase and Vocabulary from the TM Class

Greetings at the beginning of class:

Dialog 1.

A: Good afternoon. How are you doing today?
B: I'm doing pretty good. Do you have a cold?
A: No, I don't. I have hay fever.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Please take care of yourself.
A: Oh, thanks.

Dialog 2.

A: Would you like something to drink?
B: I'll have whatever you're having.

Dialog 3.

A: I'm having some coffee. How about you?
B: The same as you.

Dialog 4.

A: How did you get here today?
B: I came here by bus.

Dialog 5.

A: This is for you.
B: Really? Why?
A: It's a small gift to say thanks for helping me the other day.


hay fever: 花粉症
a silver bracelet with turqoise stones
raid: ~を強制捜査する
debt: 借金


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Phrases and Vocabulary from the SA Class

Japanese Vocabulary:
  • 夏ばて: suffering from summer heat; summer heat fatigue
    • Informative article can be found here at Japan Times Online. (Cached copy available.)
  • ハリネズミ: hedgehog (Asia, Western Europe) // porcupine (North America)
  • ランチョンマット: place mat
English Vocabulary:
  • wordy: Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning. (文章などが)言葉数の多い、長ったらしい、冗長な、冗漫な、くどい
  • relatively: 相対的に, 比較的, 割合, 割に[と], 比べれば, かなり, 結構; (~に)比例して 〈to〉
    • a relatively short length of tape 割合[割に, 比較的]短いテープ1本
    • at relatively high temperatures 比較的高温で
    • Thermal paper is relatively expensive. 感熱紙は割高である.
Easily Confused Vocabulary:
  • dinner: 夕食
  • diner: an old train car that has been converted to a quick-food restaurant or coffee shop.
