Highlights from Today's Class
When do you "pause for a moment of silence"?
I pause for a moment of silence during public commemorations of something sad. You can see people pausing for a moment of silence at Ground Zero in New York City. Many people in Japan and especially in the Tohoku region paused for a moment of silence on April 11th, May 11th, and June 11th.
I paused for a moment of silence when I visited the Nagasaki Peace Park many years ago. I also paused for a moment of silence when I visited the graves of my relatives.
See if you can catch the phrase, "paused for a moment of silence" in this CNN video:
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/video/?/video/education/2011/05/11/sn.0512.cnn
- pause for a moment of silence
- 黙とうをささげる
- Mokutō o sasageru

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