
Porcupines and Hedgehogs

Notes from the KT Class:

  • nursery rhyme: 童謡、わらべ歌
  • hedgehog: ハリネズミ

  • shave: 髭を剃る
  • shiver: 身震いする
  • the alarm on my cell phone: 携帯電話のアラーム(目覚まし時計)
  • turn on my computer and open Windows Media Player: パソコンの電源を入れて、WMPを開く
  • listen to some music: 音楽を聞く
  • 合唱: choral singing // chorus // choir
  • How's that? これはどうかい?


1. 英辞郎第三版
2. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
3. 大辞林第三版

Pirates and Bandits

Notes from the IK Class:

× Hanako is a little late.
Hanako will be a little late.

Sample Dialog:

A: Mr. Smith.
B: Yes?
A: Hanako will be a little late.*
B: Oh, really? OK. Thanks.
A: Sure.

* "...will be late" の代わりに、"She is coming soon" or "She will be here soon" もう言います。

Question from K-san:

K: How do you say, "奥さんの好みの洋服をあなたが買いますか。" in English?
C: Well, maybe you could say, "Do you buy clothes that accommodate your wife's tastes?"

A more natural question for this situation might be, "Do you buy your own clothes or does your wife buy them for you?"

Sample Dialog:

A: Do you buy clothes that accommodate your wife's tastes?
B: No, I don't. I pick out clothes that suit my own tastes.
A: Do you buy your own clothes or does your wife buy them for you?
B: I usually buy my own clothes. My wife likes to buy clothes for me, but I am very picky about what I wear. So, I would rather pick out my own clothes.

× Before I have been to ~ museum one year ago.
I went to ~ museum one year ago.
I have been to ~ museum.

Vocabulary & Sample Sentences:

象・セイウチの牙: elephant tusk(s); walrus tusk(s)
違法の: illegal
  • It is illegal to buy or sell products made from ivory tusks.
logical: 論理的な、筋の通った
  • 彼の意見はたいへん論理的である。(His view is quite logical.)
  • 彼の答えは筋の通ったものだ。(His reply was logical.)
  • 彼の論旨は筋が通っている。(His argument was logical.)
  • 彼は論理的な推論で議論に勝つ。(He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.)
show up: 現れる、(会合に)出る、姿を見せる
  • 太郎はパーティーに現れなかった。 (Taro didn't show up at the party.)
smash: (break into pieces) 粉々に砕く[する]
  • 太郎は怒って皿を粉々に割った。 (Taro got angry and smashed the dishes into pieces.)
pirates: 海賊 & 海賊行為をする (a thief who robs at sea)
bandits: 山賊 (a thief who robs (at gunpoint) usually in a lawless area on land)
celebrity: 有名人、著名人、名士 (単に名前が知られている(famous)だけではなく、マスコミを通じて大衆の関心を集めるような人を指す。) (A celebrity is a widely-recognized or famous person who commands a high degree of public and media attention.)
celebrate: 式典を挙行する/祝杯を挙げる、浮かれ騒ぐ (To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.)
  • I will celebrate my birthday at Roppongi Hills with my friends.
  • I hope they serve good food at a good price!
  • They have good prices.
  • They have some good things that are cheap, but some things are
  • They have some good priced items.


1. グランドコンサイス英和辞典・グランドコンサイス和英辞典
2. 大辞林第三版
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
4. 英辞郎第三版
5. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language


Sorry to Bother, Trouble, Keep, and Call

Notes from the IK Class:

Sorry for

Sorry to


Sorry for bothering you.

Sorry to bother you.


Sorry for making you wait.

Sorry to make you wait.


Sorry for troubling you.

Sorry to trouble you.


Sorry for keeping you waiting.

Sorry to keep you waiting.


Sorry for calling you so late in the evening.

Sorry to call you so late in the evening.


Sorry for disappointing you.

Sorry to disappoint you.



1. 敬語の英語―日常でもビジネスでも使える
2. 仕事に必要なのは英語の前に敬語でしょ!
3. 英辞郎第三版 (単行本)

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HK Email Check

Here is Eisaku's reply to my email. Please compare the original version with the suggested version. Can you find the changes?

--- Original Version ---

Dear Mr.Chip

It's Ok. I want to change to the lesson on Saturday, October 27 at 15:30 p.m.
I am looking forward to the next class.

Sincerely yours

--- Suggested Version ---

Dear Chip,

It's OK. I want to change my lesson to Saturday, October 27 at 3:30 p.m.

I am looking forward to the next class.

Sincerely yours,

--- Notes ---

Dear Mr.Chip
Dear Mr. Sorensen,

1. The greeting of an email or letter needs a comma (,) or a colon (:) after the name.
2. You must add one blank space after the period and the name.

× Mr.Jones / Mrs.Suzuki / Ms.Smith
Mr. Jones / Mrs. Suzuki / Ms. Smith

3. Do not use Mr., Mrs., or Ms. with a first name. Use an honorific only with a last name or a full name. For casual email, use "Dear" + "first name / nickname." Examples:
  • Dear Chip, (casual greeting)
  • Dear Chipper, (casual greeting with a nickname)
  • Dear Mr. Sorensen, (semi-casual greeting)
  • Dear Mr. Sorensen: (formal business greeting)
  • Dear Chip Sorensen, (informal business greeting)
  • Dear Chip Sorensen: (formal business greeting)
× It's Ok.
It's OK.

1. "Ok" is spelled two ways: OK or okay.

× 15:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.

1. Do not use 15:30 p.m. This is redundant.
2. Use A.M. or P.M. with a 12-hour time.
3. Using a 24-hour time is common in Japan and some other countries in Asia and Europe. However, in North America, most people do not use 24-hour time--24-hour time is more common among emergency personnel and the military. To be safe, use 12-hour time.

× Sincerely yours
Sincerely yours,

1. When closing an email or a letter, you need to add a comma at the end.

  1. 本当に役立つ英文ビジネスEメール
  2. 英文ビジネスレター&Eメールの正しい書き方
  3. 英文ビジネスeメール実例集
  4. 英文ビジネスメール ものの言い方辞典
  5. 図解入門ビジネス 英文ビジネスEメールの鉄則と極意
  6. CD‐ROMですぐ使える英文Eメール文例集


Proactive Red Bull Suspenders

Notes from the YT Class:

  • suspenders: サスペンダー(ズボンつり)
    • clip end suspenders (link)
    • Black McGuire Nicholas brand suspenders (link)
    • The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders CD (audiobook)
    • The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders (paperback)
    • Best Friends are Like Suspenders: They Hold You Up When You Are Falling Down (paperback)
Recently, I haven't seen men wearing suspenders.
My grandfather wears suspenders. (おじいちゃんははサスペンダー(ズボンつり)を着けています。)
  • door knob: ノブ・ドアの取っ手
  • determined-looking: 本気の顔
  • bull: 牛のオス
  • Red Bull: a slightly expensive energy drink (link)
  • proactive: 前向きな acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes
Yokohama city has taken a proactive stance on garbage and recycling.
  • reactive: acting after a problem or need arises
My manager is more reactive than proactive.

  • moving along: 続きをやりましょう。/さあ話の続きだ。
OK. Let's move along. (Spoken by the teacher to students after finishing one part of a lesson.)
  • It's up to you. / You decide. / It's your decision to make.: それがどうなるかは)あなた次第です。/(その判断は)お任せします。/君次第だよ。(相手の決断を促す。)


1. 大辞林第三版
2. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
3. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language