The term 無駄 can be either "useless" or "waste" depending on how you use it.
役に立たない; 無用な; 無益な: 無駄な
Notes and examples:
- Useless is an adjective 形容詞.
- it is useless to 〈do〉; it is useless...-ing ~して見ても意味がない[無駄なことだ, しかたない]
- render...useless ~を使い物にならないように[役立たずに]する
- ~ are useless there そこでは~は役に立たない
- It is useless to them. かれらにとって, それは用をなさない.
- With dead batteries, the flashlight was useless.
- 役に立たない上司 useless boss
- ぽんこつ車 useless car
- 役にも立たない人生 a useless life
- 気ばかり焦っても仕方ない useless to get so worked up
- 役に立たない地図 a useless map
- 無用な長物 a useless object
浪費する, 空費する, 無駄にする[なる], 次第に消耗する[減少する]
Notes and examples:
- waste can be used as a verb, noun, and adjective
- cut waste 無駄を減らす
- eliminate waste 無駄をなくす
- avoid waste 無駄を省く
- お金を無駄遣いしてはいけません。Don't waste your money.
- それは時間の無駄だ。It is a waste of time.
- 台所のごみ kitchen waste
- 産業廃棄物 industrial waste
More examples:
- The meeting was a waste of time. Everybody just argued and nothing was accomplished.
- The meeting was useless. Everybody just argued and nothing was accomplished.
- My professor's class was useless. He lectured on topics I already knew.
- My professor's class was a waste of time. He lectured on topics I already knew.
- The gift certificate was useless. It had expired last year!
- The gift certificate was a waste. It had expired last year!

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