
Podcasts at iTunes

I have updated our Links page at the www.anmi-eikaiwa.com Web site. I found a few podcasts that I think would be useful to anmi-eikaiwa students. If you have some questions about using iTunes, please ask me in class and I can help you out.

Before you click on the links to the podcasts, make sure you have iTunes on your computer. If you are still using Windows 98 and Windows ME (that means you Y-san, A-san, and M-san), then you will need to upgrade to Windows 2000 or XP (I suggest you buy a new computer with XP already installed).

Here is the link to Apple so that you can download iTunes:


After you download and get iTunes up and running, visit our Links page to select some of these podcasts:


See you in class!

Chip Posted by Picasa