
Bowling Alley

Vocabulary from the SA Class:

bowling alley: ボーリング場
  • There is a new bowling alley in my town called Lucky Strike Bowling Lanes.
Valentine's Day (バレンタインデー)
  • I bought my wife some flowers on Valentine's Day.
Valentine (バレンタインの相手)
  • I asked Sarah to be my Valentine when we were in elementary school.
Valentine's Day card (バレンタイン・カード)
  • Bobby didn't get any Valentine's Day cards this year. Poor Bobby!
gummed flap (封筒の折りぶたの裏側は糊付けされている)
  • Many people in the States lick the gummed flap on an envelope.
chalk (チョーク)
  • Bart Simpson wrote "I will be quiet in class" with chalk. (チョークで書いた)
    • a piece of chalk 1本のチョーク
    • three pieces of chalk 3本のチョーク


Vocabulary from the SA Class:
  • kayak: (名詞)カヤック
  • kayaking:(動詞)カヤックに乗る[で行く・で旅する]
Previously I was asked about camping on the Oshika Peninsula - one of my favorite places in Miyagi and one of the best sea kayaking destinations in Japan. [Link]
  • sailboat:(名)ヨット、帆船
  • sailing:(自他動)航海する、航行する、出帆する、帆走する
Hayama Sailing College offers a fun way to meet people and enjoy sailing. [Link]
  • rowboat:(名)漕ぎ舟、漕艇
  • rowing:(自動)ボートを漕ぐ、船を漕ぐ
  • canoe:(名)カヌー
  • canoing:(自動)カヌーをこぐ
  • heavy:(形)重い、激しい many kilograms or pounds
I hurt my back when moving the heavy gray steel filing cabinet in my office.
  • Showa Era: 昭和時代 (1926-1989) The reign of the Emperor Hirohito (1950s to the 1970s)
  • heavy → lose one's appetite: 胃もたれ




Vocabulary from the IK Class:

Unpredictable: 予測できない
  1. The major topic of a conversation in Seattle is always about the weather because it is so unpredictable. (シアトルで会話の主なトピックになるのは常に天気の話しで、それは何でかって言うとかなり予想しにくいものだから。)
  2. The earthquake was an unpredictable natural disaster.(地震は予測できない自然災害だった。)
  3. The phrase "When the wind blows" also connotes pinning one's hopes on unpredictable events.(「風が吹けば……」には、「あてにならない期待をする」という意味もある。)
  4. I wasted the whole afternoon. The delivery guys are so unpredictable.(午後を無駄にしちゃったわ。配達の人たちって本当にいい加減なんだから。)
  5. My husband is so unpredictable. (husband 夫、so とても)
  6. The yen-dollar rate is unpredictable. (yen-dollar rate 円対ドルの相場)
Of course...: 当たり前
  1. Of course I would like to see the movie, but today it is impossible. (もちろん映画を見たいけれど、今日は無理だ。)
  2. "I can't get this tape recorder to work. No wonder! The pause button is pressed down."このテープレコーダー、動かないわ。当たり前だよ。ポーズボタンを押してるんだもん。
platypus: カモノハシ
Dialogs & Sentences from the IK Class:

A: If I visited your house, do you have a place to park or would I have to park on the street?
B: Well, we only have enough space for one car, so you'd have to park on the street.
  • 駐車場: parking lot 数台分 parking space 一台分
My shop rents two park spaces for our customers.
  • At Kounandai Station:
A: Which bus goes to Ichinomiya?
A: Which bus is the Ichinomiya-bound bus?
A: At which platform can I catch the Ikebukuro-bound train?
  • 何曜日 what day
A: What day is today?
B: It is Monday.

A: What day is today?
B: It is Labor Day.

A: What day is today?
B: It is your birthday.
  • 何日 what date
A: What is the date today?
B: It is September 28th.
  • お昼寝
A: Were you taking a nap in the car?
B: Well, I was just on the verge of falling asleep. // I was just about to fall asleep.


Additional Items:


You vs Your Day, Horns, and When!

Dialogs from the KT Class:

A: How was your day yesterday? (昨日はどうだったか?) *主語は「your day」
B: It was very tiring. (とても疲れちゃったよ。)*主語は「it」
A: Really? How come? (本当に?どうしたの?)
B: I was very busy at work! (仕事がとても忙しかった。)

A: How were you yesterday? (昨日はどうだったか?)*主語は「you」
B: I was very tired. (とても疲れちゃったよ。)*主語は「I」
A: Really? How come? (本当に?どうしたの?)
B: I was very busy at work! (仕事がとても忙しかった。)

A: Say "when"!
B: Stop!
  • (ちょうどいい(分量になった)時にそう言ってください。◆人のグラスに酒などを注いであげながら言う言葉。相手は好きな分量になった時にStop!と言う。)
    • A: Say when (you want me to stop pouring beer in your glass.)の命令を省略された。
    • B: Stop (pouring beer in my glass, please).

Vocabulary from the KT Class:

かゆい: itchy
  • My arm is itchy. I think a mosquito bit me.
  • My hand is itchy. The air is very dry today.
かけっこ:foot race
  • Amanda ran in a foot race at her school's sports day festival.
  • Amanda was in a foot race at her school's sports day festival.
とても頑張った: tried very hard; gave it all he/she/I had; made a great effort;
  • Amanda tried very hard. (勉強・仕事など)
  • Amanda gave it all she had.(スポーツ・チェス等の試合)
  • Amanda made a great effort. (障害の闘い等)
  • Amanda ran very hard. / Amanda ran her hardest.
一位になった: took first place; took first prize
  • Amanda took first place in the foot race.
horns (cow, goat, unicorn, devil, etc.): 角
antlers (deer, elk, moose, etc.): 枝角

thick: 厚い(電話帳等)
thin: 薄い (紙等)



Higher and Higher

Phrases and Some Examples:
  • more and more
    • Gasoline is getting more and more expensive. (ガソリンはますます高くなる.
    • More and more people are buying DVD players these days. (DVDプレイヤーを買う人が最近ますます増えている.)
  • faster and faster
    • Influenza is spreading faster and faster.(インフルエンザはますます素早く広まる。)
  • slower and slower (どんどん遅くなって)
  • richer and richer & poorer and poorer
    • The rich are getting richer and richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.(金持ちはますます裕福になり貧乏人はますます貧しくなる。)
  • cooler and cooler (だんだん冷たくなる)
  • colder and colder
    • Day by day it's getting colder (日を追ってだんだん寒くなってくる。)
  • hotter and hotter
    • It's getting hotter and hotter. (暑くなってきたなあ。)
  • tougher and tougher
    • steadily get tougher and tougher (次第により困難なものになる)
  • older and older
    • I am getting older and older. (私はどんどん年を取る。)
  • higher and higher
    • Every month, my phone bills seem to get higher and higher. (毎月、電話料金がどんどん高くなるみたいだ。)



Oh, My Gosh!

I have heard Japanese adults and children say, "Oh, my God!" in a a very light manner. This phrase should be used with care. There are some persons who might me offended by this phrase. (日本人がこれを言うと、不愉快に感じる人がいる。)

Here are some safe alternatives:
  • Oh, my gosh!
  • Oh, boy!
    • 信じられない!・ まあ!・ あれ!・ えっ!・ しまった!・ 困った!・ 何てことだ!・ ヒャー!
duster vs 雑巾
(Click on the image for a larger view.)
  • 雑巾: dustcloth; rag
a few vs a couple of
  • a few: two or three of something
    • a few hours 二三時間
    • a few hours 数時間 | 二三時間
    • a few words 一言所感
    • a few words 2言3言
    • Please wait for a few minutes. (少々お待ち下さい。)
  • a couple of: two of something, but sometimes two or three of something
    • a couple of days 二、三日・ 数日
    • a couple of hours 2~3時間・ 2時間
    • a couple of weeks 2~3週間
    • in a couple of months 2~3カ月して

a few vs several
  • several: more than two or three of something but not many いくつか(の)(*a few より多いが, many ではない), それぞれの, 別々の
    • for the first time in several years 数年ぶりに
    • over several times 数回にわたって
    • the project has been underway at Carnegie Mellon for several years このプロジェクトはカーネギーメロン大学で数年来進められてきた
    • I have been there several times. (私は数回そこへ行ったことがあります。)
1,500 vs 1,523
  • 1,500: one-thousand five-hundred / fifteen hundred
  • 1,523: one-thousand, five-hundred twenty-three / Do not say "fifteen hundred twenty-three"
Other numbers:
  • 5,000 = five grand / five thousand / fifty hundred
  • 50,000 = fifty grand / fifty thousand
