
New Reservation Request Forms

We have updated our website with two new pages. One is for visitors who want to reserve a free trial lesson and the other is for current students who want to reserve a class.

Visitors who want to reserve a free trial lesson can do so as follows:

1. Go to the スケジュール page and find a class time and date that is available.
2. Click 予約可能・申込先 and a new browser window will open.
3. Provide your contact information and desire type of free-trial lesson and click Submit at the bottom.
4. We will confirm your reservation request by email within 24 hours.

Current students who want to reserve a class can use a simpler form:

1. Go to the スケジュール page and find a class time and date that is available.
2. Then, go to the 予約・変更のお申し込み page and click Current-Student Reservation Request Form.
3. A new browser window will open where you can submit your reservation request. Click Submit when done.
4. We will confirm your reservation request by email or directly from the Google calendar within 24 hours.

Feel free to ask me any questions or make some suggestions when we meet in class regarding these new procedures.

http://www.anmi-eikaiwa.com/ | support@anmi-eikaiwa.com
Tel. 045-841-4218 | Fax 045-841-4288
携帯リンク http://www.anmiweb.com/mobile/