I have been using the ICD-MX50 for about a month now in all my classes. I record the main dialog practice of each class and later listen to our dialog and transcribe an edited/corrected version of that dialog into the student's homework/notes, and then send that dialog to them to review before the next class.
The ICD-MX50 comes with an AC adapter, so in the classroom, I plug the adapter into the ICD-MX50 and record the class dialog. Then, I hook up the USB to the ICD-MX50 and computer, and transfer the voice file from the recorder into a folder on my computer. Since I am on a LAN, I simply open a copy of the voice file from the office computer (not the classroom computer), which has good speakers.
From that computer, I listen to the dialog and transcribe/edit the dialog into Microsoft Word. Although the recorder comes with a battery, I have yet to use the battery since my setup allows me to use the AC adapter most of the time.
The ICD-MX50 has a "hold" switch on the back which disables all of the buttons and switches on the sides and front so that you don't accidently record something when it is in your bag. It also comes with a soft case, which I strongly recommend using. The display panel scratches fairly easy and I already have a small scratch on it (I cried!).
Sony's interface program for the voice file on your computer is also very good. You can control the speed and volume of your playback. This is good for when I want to match the playback speed to my typing speed so that I don't have to keep "rewinding." The computer interface can be operated both by mouse or your keyboard. I tend to use the the keyboard more than the mouse so that I don't have to keep moving my hand back and forth.
The ICD-MX50 comes with many more functions that I don't fully understand, but doubt I might use them. For my purposes, this slightly expensive gadget has been well worth the investment. I have noticed some things I do in classes that I now want to change. I hope my students benefit from having such feedback in addition to the classtime that they pay for.
Here is the info on ICD-MX50 in Japanese from the Sony website:
トリプルマイク構造&“メモリースティック PRO デュオ”対応。高音質かつ長時間録音を実現したフラッグシップモデル
ステレオICレコーダー: ICD-MX50
ヨドバシ・ドット・コム:特価:¥33,800 (税込)
Amazon.co.jp:¥28,500 (税込)
付属:単4形アルカリ乾電池×2、ステレオイヤーレシーバー、パソコン用アプリケーションソフトウェア “Digital Voice Editor Ver.2.3”(CD-ROM)、USB接続ケーブル、ACアダプター、キャリングケース
●記録メディア“メモリースティック PRO デュオ”(*2)対応
*1 SP/LP(モノラル)モード時は、左右のマイクを使ったモノラル録音になります
*2 “メモリースティック デュオ”でも使用できます
*3 乾電池ご使用での連続録音/再生の場合、途中、電池の交換が必要です
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