A: What do most people eat on Thanksgiving Day?
B: Most people eat turkey (on Thanksgiving Day).
- Thanksgiving Day: 感謝祭、サンクス・ギヴィング・デー◆多くの店が休業する米国の祝日。11月の第4木曜日。この日前後からクリスマス明けの新年早々まで、米国はお祭ムードに包まれ、さまざまな催しやバーゲンなどが開催される。1年のうちで、もっとも太りやすい期間とも言われている。
A: What do most Japanese eat on New Year's Day?
B: Most Japanese eat special traditional Japanese New Year's cuisine, which consists of sea bream, herring roe, and sea tangle rolls.
- おせち料理: foods prepared for New Year's; special dishes served for the first three days of the New Year; traditional Japanese New Year's cuisine; sea bream (鯛), herring roe (数の子), sea tangle roll (昆布巻き)
A: What do most people do on Christmas Day?
B: Most people spend time with thier loved ones sharing Christmas gifts and enjoying a nice dinner with each other.
- loved ones: 最愛の人、恋人、(お葬式の場合:故人、亡くなった家族の者)
Can you think of other situations where you can use "What do most people do on..."?
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