Here are some vocabulary that came up in the SA class:
- gobbledygook, gobbledegook: (noun) Unclear, wordy jargon
- 分かりにくい言葉、ややこしい言葉、たわ言、ナンセンス、役所言葉[官庁用語], 回りくどくてチンプンカンプンの表現, 冗長で分かりにくい文言, 文字化けした文
- gibberish: 1. Unintelligible or nonsensical talk or writing. 2. Highly technical or esoteric language. 3. Unnecessarily pretentious or vague language.
- わけのわからない言葉[文, 話]
- anniversary: 1. The annually recurring date of a past event, especially one of historical, national, or personal importance: a wedding anniversary; the anniversary of the founding of Rome. 2. A celebration commemorating such a date.
- an ~ (~周年)記念, ~周年祭; ~周年記念の, 例年の
◎ We are especially busy this year because it is the 30th anniversary of our company's Mashi brand products.
- baggy: Bulging or hanging loosely: baggy trousers.
- だぶだぶの、袋のような、垂れ下がった
Baggy pants are more comfortable to where when I play sports or do some work outside.
Additional Phrases that came up in class:
- "cease and desist" letter: 使用停止を求める文書
- You betcha! (You bet!): 確かにそうです。/そのとおりです。/もちろん。
1. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
2. 英辞郎第三版
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典

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