One of my students is a high school senior and told me about her visit to some college campuses. She told me:
I inspected some colleges with my friend last week. Many high school students inspect some schools that they want to enter. We call this event "Open Campus."1. Inspect vs. Check Out
The word "inspect" can have a sense of 検査する, 視察する, or 調べる. For example:
a. All belongings must be inspected by customs officers. (すべての所持品は税関職員によって検査されなければならない。)
b. The commission went and inspected the site. (委員会は、現地まで出向いて視察した。)
However, "check out" can have a sense of 体験, チェックする, or 確認する. For example:
a. Don't you think we should check it out? (確認してみた方がいいんじゃない?)
b. I want to check out this book. (この本を借りたいんですけど。)
c. Check out our home page for more details! (詳しい情報はホームページでチェックしよう!)
2. Enter vs. Enroll
The word "enter" can have a sense of 入る, 突き抜ける, 入力する, or 記入する. For example:
a. She entered the room quietly. (彼女は静かに部屋に入った。)
b. All the guests entered their names on the list. (客はみんな自分の名前を名簿に記入した。)
The word "enroll" has a strong sense of 入学する. For example:
a. They had to pass a rigorous exam in order to enroll. (入学するには厳しい試験に合格しなければならなかった。)
b. I don't think that it's too late for you to enroll. (入学するのに遅過ぎることはないと思う。)
So, I suggested that our student use the following English as follows:
I checked out some colleges with my friend last week. Many high school students visit some colleges where they want to enroll. We call such events "open campus day."Special note:
The term "open campus" can refer to a junior high school or high school campus that allows children to freely leave the campus during lunch or to go home during school hours to get a textbook that was forgotten or something.
The term "open campus day" refers to a special day when colleges/universities allow non-students and their parents to visit the campus in order to learn more about the school before deciding where to enroll.
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