- deceiving 詐欺罪 (deceive; deceived; deceived)
We've been deceived and lied to. 私たちは, だまされてデタラメを聞かされてきた.
He is the most honest man I know--he would never try to deceive anyone. (人をだますような人ではない)
If you don't know your country's true history, you can be easily deceived by politicians. (だまされやすい、すぐにだまされる、むざむざと引っかかる)
The naive, young woman was easily deceived by the kind words of her ex-boyfriend. (甘い言葉にだまされる)
- potential 可能性
It has a lot of future potential. それは豊かな将来性をもって[大きな発展性を秘めて]いる.
It still has plenty of potential. それは, まだまだ大きな可能性を秘めている.
- boasted 誇る、自慢する
- out of this world この世のものと思えない
The police are investigating the insurance company for false or misleading advertising . (虚偽または誤解を招く恐れのある広告)
- seductive 魅惑的な
- deceptive 人をだます
The company's advert misled viewers to believe that they could lose 10 kilograms in two weeks! (広告で惑わされた視聴者)
- sultry 情熱的な
- overly 過度に
- exaggerated 大げさな
The boy's story about the bear and wolf sounded exaggerated. (大げさに聞こえる)
The company admitted to making a mistake after many customers complained about the product. (間違いを認める)
1. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
2. 英辞郎第三版

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