- complete stop: 一時停止
"She made a California stop." 彼女は一時停止しなかった。
A: Does this picture remind you of anything?
B: No, it doesn't.
A: Does this picture remind you of anything?
B: Yes, it does. It reminds me of Japanese preschool children riding in wagons.
- かき氷: snow cone
- meet by accident; run across; run into; come across: ふとした出会う; ばったり会う; 偶然~に出会う
I ran across Sarah at the station.
I ran into Sarah at the station.
I came across Sarah at the station.
- training DVD: トレーニングのDVD
- best suited for: 適した、~に最適の
- healthier: もっと健康に
1. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
2. 英辞郎第三版
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典

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