1. 大辞林第三版
2. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
3. 英辞郎第三版
4. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
Let's get started!
Original Sentence:
- David went drinking with his old students.
- Did David go drinking with all of his old students or just a few?
- When did David go drinking with his old students? Did they go drinking last night? Last month? Last year?
- David with drinking with some of his old students last Thursday.
- "old students" does not mean the students are 70 or 80 years old. In this sentence structure, we understand that "old" means "not recent" or "former." For example:
- old friend: 旧友、昔からの友達、昔なじみ
- gathering of old students: 同窓生の集い
- old coworkers: 元同僚
- old customer: 昔からの得意先、なじみ客
- old job: 元の仕事
- old car: 中古車
- old (former) classmate: かつての級友

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