1. It was very fun days.
→ 楽しい日々でした。
2. We did a snorkel.
→ シュノーケリングしました。
3. Many fishes swam the sea.
→ たくさんの魚が泳いでいました。
4. We bought many things without our regret.
→ 後悔しないようにたくさん買物をしました。
How would your rephrase these bloopers? Here are some suggestions:
1. It was very fun days.
※ It + days は間違っています。
→ It was a very fun trip.
⇒ I went to Hawaii on a fun trip.
⇒ I went on a wonderful trip to Hawaii!
⇒ I had an exciting vacation in Hawaii!
⇒ I went to Hawaii and had a good time!
⇒ I had a good time in Hawaii!
⇒ I went to Hawaii and had a wonderful vacation!
2. We did a snorkel.
※ do (did) + snorkel は間違っています。
→ We did snorkeling.
→ We snorkeled.
⇒ We went to the beach and enjoyed snorkeling.
⇒ We had fun snorkeling.
⇒ We went to the beach to enjoy some snorkeling.
3. Many fishes swam the sea.
※ fishes は間違っています。(2種類以上をさすときは fishes)
→ Many fish swam in the sea.
⇒ There were many beautiful fish swimming around us.
⇒ We were surrounded by many schools of fish.
⇒ We enjoyed the sight of schools of fish swimming around us.
4. We bought many things without our regret.
※ without + our (your/my/his/her/etc.) + regret は不自然です。
→ We bought many things without regret.
⇒ We bought many things that were cheaper or unavailable in Japan
⇒ We bought a lot of things that we were sure we wouldn't be able to get in Japan or were not as cheap.
Do you have any questions or comments regarding today's bloopers? Please send me email or ask me in class!This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.1 Japan License.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.1 Japan License.
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