- Hispanic: スペインの、〔スペイン語圏の〕ラテン・アメリカの
- Hispanics are Latin-Americans and are mostly from Mexico. ヒスパニックとはラテン系アメリカ人のことで、米国内ではそのほとんどがメキシコ出身です。
- I was cold.
- He was cold.
- She was cold.
- It was cold.
- You were cold.
- They were cold.
Use "been to" instead of "gone to" for 行った事がある.
- Have you ever gone to London?
- "Have you ever gone to~" means「あなたは~へ行った事がありますか?」
- If you use "gone" the nuance is more like 「行ってそのまま帰って来ない事です。」
- 正しく言うと "Have you ever been to ~"
× I cannot sing and dance very well. = I can sing but not dance very well. I cannot sing but can dance very well.
◎ I cannot sing or dance very well.
◎ I can neither sing nor dance very well.
1. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
2. 英辞郎第三版
3. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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