This is a copy of a dialog between Y. and Chip that we had before the start of class.
C: Did you have a nice weekend?
Y: Yes, I did.
C: Really?! What did you do?
Y: I watched all of season one of Prison Break
C: Did you watch the DVDs with your sister or mom?
Y: I watched them with my mom.
C: I see. Was it expensive to rent all of those DVDs?
Y: No, it wasn't. I rented only volumes 1, 2, and 3, but the rest, I borrowed from one of my friends.
C: Oh. You're lucky to have such a friend!
Y: Yes, I think so, too.
アンミ英会話教室 Podcast
Listen to the dialog at this link.

Here are some vocabulary that came up in the I.Y. Class:
- a line of mascara: マスカラ製品;~製品群
- line of white furniture: 白い家具など商品群
- I love the Bobbi Brown line of cosmetics.
- L'Oreal sells a line of mascara that is sold at Walmart.
- TOMY Co. sells a line of white furniture for the Licca
brand dollhouse.
- watchdog: 番犬
- watchdog group; watchdog committee; ~ watchdog: 監視機関; 監視委員会; 広告監視機関; 監視団体
- Amnesty International: アムネスティ・インターナショナル
- Human Rights Watch: ヒューマン・ライツ・ウオッチ、人権ウオッチ
- Amnesty International (English / Japanese)
- Human Rights Watch (English / Japanese)
- Human Rights World Report 2007 (English)
- whistle blower: 内部告発者、密告者
- come to light: 明らかになる

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