
Pirates and Bandits

Notes from the IK Class:

× Hanako is a little late.
Hanako will be a little late.

Sample Dialog:

A: Mr. Smith.
B: Yes?
A: Hanako will be a little late.*
B: Oh, really? OK. Thanks.
A: Sure.

* "...will be late" の代わりに、"She is coming soon" or "She will be here soon" もう言います。

Question from K-san:

K: How do you say, "奥さんの好みの洋服をあなたが買いますか。" in English?
C: Well, maybe you could say, "Do you buy clothes that accommodate your wife's tastes?"

A more natural question for this situation might be, "Do you buy your own clothes or does your wife buy them for you?"

Sample Dialog:

A: Do you buy clothes that accommodate your wife's tastes?
B: No, I don't. I pick out clothes that suit my own tastes.
A: Do you buy your own clothes or does your wife buy them for you?
B: I usually buy my own clothes. My wife likes to buy clothes for me, but I am very picky about what I wear. So, I would rather pick out my own clothes.

× Before I have been to ~ museum one year ago.
I went to ~ museum one year ago.
I have been to ~ museum.

Vocabulary & Sample Sentences:

象・セイウチの牙: elephant tusk(s); walrus tusk(s)
違法の: illegal
  • It is illegal to buy or sell products made from ivory tusks.
logical: 論理的な、筋の通った
  • 彼の意見はたいへん論理的である。(His view is quite logical.)
  • 彼の答えは筋の通ったものだ。(His reply was logical.)
  • 彼の論旨は筋が通っている。(His argument was logical.)
  • 彼は論理的な推論で議論に勝つ。(He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.)
show up: 現れる、(会合に)出る、姿を見せる
  • 太郎はパーティーに現れなかった。 (Taro didn't show up at the party.)
smash: (break into pieces) 粉々に砕く[する]
  • 太郎は怒って皿を粉々に割った。 (Taro got angry and smashed the dishes into pieces.)
pirates: 海賊 & 海賊行為をする (a thief who robs at sea)
bandits: 山賊 (a thief who robs (at gunpoint) usually in a lawless area on land)
celebrity: 有名人、著名人、名士 (単に名前が知られている(famous)だけではなく、マスコミを通じて大衆の関心を集めるような人を指す。) (A celebrity is a widely-recognized or famous person who commands a high degree of public and media attention.)
celebrate: 式典を挙行する/祝杯を挙げる、浮かれ騒ぐ (To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing.)
  • I will celebrate my birthday at Roppongi Hills with my friends.
  • I hope they serve good food at a good price!
  • They have good prices.
  • They have some good things that are cheap, but some things are
  • They have some good priced items.


1. グランドコンサイス英和辞典・グランドコンサイス和英辞典
2. 大辞林第三版
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
4. 英辞郎第三版
5. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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