- more and more
- Gasoline is getting more and more expensive. (ガソリンはますます高くなる.
- More and more people are buying DVD players these days. (DVDプレイヤーを買う人が最近ますます増えている.)
- faster and faster
- Influenza is spreading faster and faster.(インフルエンザはますます素早く広まる。)
- slower and slower (どんどん遅くなって)
- richer and richer & poorer and poorer
- The rich are getting richer and richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer.(金持ちはますます裕福になり貧乏人はますます貧しくなる。)
- cooler and cooler (だんだん冷たくなる)
- colder and colder
- Day by day it's getting colder (日を追ってだんだん寒くなってくる。)
- hotter and hotter
- It's getting hotter and hotter. (暑くなってきたなあ。)
- tougher and tougher
- steadily get tougher and tougher (次第により困難なものになる)
- older and older
- I am getting older and older. (私はどんどん年を取る。)
- higher and higher
- Every month, my phone bills seem to get higher and higher. (毎月、電話料金がどんどん高くなるみたいだ。)

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