Here are some safe alternatives:
- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, boy!
- 信じられない!・ まあ!・ あれ!・ えっ!・ しまった!・ 困った!・ 何てことだ!・ ヒャー!
- duster: a kind of long coat worn by cowboys during bad weather (The J. Peterman Company still sells dusters at this website.)
(Click on the image for a larger view.)

- 雑巾: dustcloth; rag
- a few: two or three of something
- a few hours 二三時間
- a few hours 数時間 | 二三時間
- a few words 一言所感
- a few words 2言3言
- Please wait for a few minutes. (少々お待ち下さい。)
- a couple of: two of something, but sometimes two or three of something
- a couple of days 二、三日・ 数日
- a couple of hours 2~3時間・ 2時間 で
- a couple of weeks 2~3週間
- in a couple of months 2~3カ月して
- several: more than two or three of something but not many いくつか(の)(*a few より多いが, many ではない), それぞれの, 別々の
- for the first time in several years 数年ぶりに
- over several times 数回にわたって
- the project has been underway at Carnegie Mellon for several years このプロジェクトはカーネギーメロン大学で数年来進められてきた
- I have been there several times. (私は数回そこへ行ったことがあります。)
- 1,500: one-thousand five-hundred / fifteen hundred
- 1,523: one-thousand, five-hundred twenty-three / Do not say "fifteen hundred twenty-three"
- 5,000 = five grand / five thousand / fifty hundred
- 50,000 = fifty grand / fifty thousand

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.1 Japan License
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