
You vs Your Day, Horns, and When!

Dialogs from the KT Class:

A: How was your day yesterday? (昨日はどうだったか?) *主語は「your day」
B: It was very tiring. (とても疲れちゃったよ。)*主語は「it」
A: Really? How come? (本当に?どうしたの?)
B: I was very busy at work! (仕事がとても忙しかった。)

A: How were you yesterday? (昨日はどうだったか?)*主語は「you」
B: I was very tired. (とても疲れちゃったよ。)*主語は「I」
A: Really? How come? (本当に?どうしたの?)
B: I was very busy at work! (仕事がとても忙しかった。)

A: Say "when"!
B: Stop!
  • (ちょうどいい(分量になった)時にそう言ってください。◆人のグラスに酒などを注いであげながら言う言葉。相手は好きな分量になった時にStop!と言う。)
    • A: Say when (you want me to stop pouring beer in your glass.)の命令を省略された。
    • B: Stop (pouring beer in my glass, please).

Vocabulary from the KT Class:

かゆい: itchy
  • My arm is itchy. I think a mosquito bit me.
  • My hand is itchy. The air is very dry today.
かけっこ:foot race
  • Amanda ran in a foot race at her school's sports day festival.
  • Amanda was in a foot race at her school's sports day festival.
とても頑張った: tried very hard; gave it all he/she/I had; made a great effort;
  • Amanda tried very hard. (勉強・仕事など)
  • Amanda gave it all she had.(スポーツ・チェス等の試合)
  • Amanda made a great effort. (障害の闘い等)
  • Amanda ran very hard. / Amanda ran her hardest.
一位になった: took first place; took first prize
  • Amanda took first place in the foot race.
horns (cow, goat, unicorn, devil, etc.): 角
antlers (deer, elk, moose, etc.): 枝角

thick: 厚い(電話帳等)
thin: 薄い (紙等)


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