Unpredictable: 予測できない
- The major topic of a conversation in Seattle is always about the weather because it is so unpredictable. (シアトルで会話の主なトピックになるのは常に天気の話しで、それは何でかって言うとかなり予想しにくいものだから。)
- The earthquake was an unpredictable natural disaster.(地震は予測できない自然災害だった。)
- The phrase "When the wind blows" also connotes pinning one's hopes on unpredictable events.(「風が吹けば……」には、「あてにならない期待をする」という意味もある。)
- I wasted the whole afternoon. The delivery guys are so unpredictable.(午後を無駄にしちゃったわ。配達の人たちって本当にいい加減なんだから。)
- My husband is so unpredictable. (husband 夫、so とても)
- The yen-dollar rate is unpredictable. (yen-dollar rate 円対ドルの相場)
- Of course I would like to see the movie, but today it is impossible. (もちろん映画を見たいけれど、今日は無理だ。)
- "I can't get this tape recorder to work. No wonder! The pause button is pressed down."このテープレコーダー、動かないわ。当たり前だよ。ポーズボタンを押してるんだもん。
- Platypus! (Step Into Reading. Step 2)
- A Platypus, Probably (ハードカバー)
- A Platypus, Probably (ハードカバー)
- Platypus Creek (Amazing Animal Adventures)
A: If I visited your house, do you have a place to park or would I have to park on the street?
B: Well, we only have enough space for one car, so you'd have to park on the street.
- 駐車場: parking lot 数台分 parking space 一台分
- At Kounandai Station:
A: Which bus is the Ichinomiya-bound bus?
A: At which platform can I catch the Ikebukuro-bound train?
- 何曜日 what day
B: It is Monday.
A: What day is today?
B: It is Labor Day.
A: What day is today?
B: It is your birthday.
- 何日 what date
B: It is September 28th.
- お昼寝
B: Well, I was just on the verge of falling asleep. // I was just about to fall asleep.
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