- Which vs What
- Use "which" when there are a limited number of items to choose from. Use "what" when there are a limitless or many number of items to choose from.
- Test your understanding at a British website Created by Eduard Roose
- Which or What?
- which: 選択肢が限られている場合。 2冊、3冊の中で好きな本の場合:Which book do you like?
- what: 選択の範囲がひろい場合。 どれでも好きな本の場合: What book do you like?
- Examples:
- What is your favorite drink? I like melon soda the most./Melon soda is my favorite drink.
- Which do you prefer, melon soda or Pepsi? I prefer melon soda.
- (Looking at a picture of a large family...) Which one are you? I am the handsome-looking one on the right.
- If I click on the link, can I see the information on your blog?
- oars (櫂): an oar is used on both sides of a rowboat.
- skeleton (骸骨): Indiana Jones found a skeleton in the cave.
- karaoke parlor: カラオケボックスの入っている建物。
- I don't get enough sleep.
- I don't get enough rest.
- I don't get enough practice. [piano, soccer, speaking foreign languages, etc.]
- I don't get enough calcium.
- I don't get enough iron.
- I don't get enough exercise.
- I don't get enough time with my family.
- I don't get enough fruit and green vegetables in my diet.
- My sister got a speeding ticket.
- My sister got a parking ticket.
- My sister got a traffic moving violation.

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