× Thank you for your calling.
◎ Thank you for your call.
◎ Thank you for calling.
× I joined in the sports festival, which a health insurance company manages.
◎ I participated in the sport's day events, which are sponsored by my company's health insurance organization.
- I ran in the marathon at my company's sport's day event.
- I played tug-o'-war at my company's sport's day event.
- I competed in the tamaire game.
join: become a member of something
- join a local sports gym (Konami Sports, Tipness, etc.)
- join a political party (Liberal Democratic Party [自民党], the Communist Party [共産党], the Democratic Party [民主党])
- join a religious orgainzation (創価学会, ものみの塔, イスラム教)
- join a civic group (ライオンズクラブ国際財団, 平和部隊, ピース ウィンズ・ジャパン, etc.)
- join a military organization (U.S. Army, British Royal Navy, Japan Air Self Defense Forces, etc.)
Let's rock 'n' roll!: いくぜ!

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.1 Japan License
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