The television show was a satire on political leaders. (そのテレビのショー番組は、政界の指導者たちを風刺したものだった。)
- political satire: 政治風刺
The television show was a satire on political leaders. (そのテレビのショー番組は、政界の指導者たちを風刺したものだった。)
- remind: ~に(~を)思い出させる
- drop vs fall
- drop: to let go of something on purpose or by accident (落とす); to let (allow) something fall.
I dropped my chopsticks on the floor the first time I tried to use them.(chopsticks はし)
My wife dropped an egg on the floor.(奥さんは卵を床に落とした。)
- fall: to come/go down accidentally or unintentionally(落ちる)
The egg fell from the kitchen counter onto the floor and broke.(卵が台所の台から床に落ちて割れた。)
- lost article/lost item
A lost item (lost article) was sent back to the owner.(忘れ物が持ち主に戻った。)
Additional Items:
1. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.1 Japan License
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