- cot: キャンプ用折り畳みベッド
- The families slept on cots in the Red Cross shelter during the hurricane.
- want: 欲しい
- My son wants a puppy for his birthday.
- rob: 盗む
- The 7-Eleven in my neighborhood was robbed last night!
- rod: 鋼棒
- ~ sounds like ~: ~と~は似ている発音します
- "Fish" sounds like "dish." / "Sushi" sounds like "mushi."
- driver: 運転手
- screwdriver: マイナスドライバー
- Phillips screwdriver: プラスドライバー
- pinch: 〔体の一部を〕つねる
- pliers: ペンチ
A: What did you do this last three-day weekend?
B: Oh, nothing. I stayed home the whole time.
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