- path: 小道
(若い家族 young families; 散歩を楽しみ enjoy walking; 小道を歩み続ける along the path; 公園に in the park)
The little girl followed the path into the bushes where she found Totoro!
(little girl 少女; follow the path 小道を歩; into the bushes 茂みに入る; found 発見した)
- seek: 捜し求める
(some people 人もいる; join a church 教会の信者になる; because なぜならば; meaning of life 人生の意味)
The children played hide and seek in the backyard.
(children 子供たち; played 遊んだ; hide and seek かくれんぼ; backyard 裏庭)
I looked up his telephone number in the yellow pages.
(looked up で調べる; telephone number 電話番号; yellow pages 職業別電話帳)
I searched everywhere in my apartment for my glasses.
(search everywhere くまなく捜す; apartment アパート、マンション、コンドミニアム; glasses メガネ)
- mass media: シャーナリズム、マスメディア、マスコミ、報道機関
- mass: A lump or aggregate of coherent material: a cancerous mass (tumor) ガン細胞の塊
- benign tumor: nonmalignant tumor (良性)
- malignant: cancerous tumor that can spread and kill 悪性
The doctor discovered a malignant tumor on her right leg.
- pass: 合格する | 鉄道の通勤定期券[乗車券]
I passed the 5th level examination.
- I don't ~ either. (私も~ではありません。)
- violin and bow: draw the bow across the strings to play the violin
- missing: 足りない部分;足りない物
- a lot like ~: ~そっくり; ~にによく似ている;
- What do you call this (while pointing with your finger) in English?
- I don't know what you call this (while pointing with your finger) in English.
- How do you spell ザイラーフォーン?It is spelled xyl, oph, one.
- It's called a ~.
Just for Fun:

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