- His flight was overbooked. 彼の便は予約超過でした。
- an overbooked airplane [flight] 定員以上の予約が入っている飛行機[便]
- overbook; overbooks; overbooked; overbooking
- to make more reservations for seats, tables, rooms, time slots, etc., than there are available
- 目的語無い場合:
- The hotel/restaurant overbooked.
- 目的語有る場合:
- The flight was overbooked, so I got bumped off.
- The airline overbooked my flight.
- have no aesthetic sense 美的感覚を持ち合わせていない
- our aesthetic sense 我々の美的感覚[センス]
- your aesthetic sensibilities あなたの美的感覚
- Its practical value can only be measured in aesthetic terms. それの実用価値は, 美的観点からのみ評価することができる.
- be more aesthetically pleasing than... ~よりも美しい[美的にすぐれている, 美麗である]
- in an aesthetically pleasing manner 見た目に美しいように
- in addition to being aesthetically pleasing [pleasant] 美しいこと[センスのよさ, 趣味がいいこと]に加えて
- She just doesn't want to keep trying.
- She has run out of motivation to keep trying.
- She has given up trying.
Nonexistent 存在[実在]しない, 無い
- The glacier disappeared because of global warming.
- The glacier become nonexistent because of global warming.
- The glacier melted away because of global warming.
Good for の間有効な, ~の間もつ[持ちこたえられる]
- His passport will be valid for another 8 years or so.
- His passport will be good for another 8 years or so.
- He bought a 10 years visa. → He bought a ten-year passport.
◎ I have to renew my driver's license within one month before or after my birthday.
- within one month: 誕生日から1ヵ月の前後
- at least one month before: 少なくとも1ヵ月間前に

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