K.J. arrives at the classroom and rings the doorbell:
A: Good afternoon. Come in.(今日は。どうぞいらっしゃい。)
B: Thank you.(※おじゃまします。)
A: How are you today? (今日は、お元気ですか?)
B: I'm doing fine, thank you. And you? (元気ですよう。あなたは?)
A: Oh, pretty good. (元気ですよ。)
B: That's nice. (それは良いですね。)
- dawn: 夜明け
- launch: (ロケットを)打ち上げる、(ミサイルを)発射する
- lust: (女)に淫欲を催す/ (富)を欲する
- cuss: 呪う、ののしる
- cost: 価値、価格、代金、代価、支出、コスト、原価
- cuff: そで口、ズボンのすその折り返し
- hot air balloon: 熱気球
- igloo: イグルー、カナダのイヌイット族が住居としていた、氷のブロックを重ねて作ったドーム状の家。
- camper / camper trailer: キャンピングカー
Topics Dialog Practice:
- Where did you go with your family? We went to a Japanese restaurant in Kannai, Yokohama. We ordered shabushabu, which is sliced beef boiled with vegetables.
- Did you give him a retirement gift? No, we didn't. We just took him to the shabushabu restaurant.
- When will you retire? I am a part-time worker, so I don't have a retirement.

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