
Chronicles of Funny Practice

Notes from the SA Class.
  • be well trained: (形容詞) きちんとしつけられた、よく訓練された
My brother's dog is well-trained—he doesn't bark at or jump up onto visitors at his house.
Navy SEALs are well-trained and elite members of the U.S. military.
  • chronicles: (名) (…の)年代記, 編年史((of ...));((広義))歴史, 物語
My wife and I enjoyed the movie, "Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."
  • a ball of yarn: 毛糸の玉
The cat played with the ball of yarn.
  • staple: ホッチキスの針
  • stapler: ホッチキス
  • staple: ~をホチキスでとめる
I stapled the papers with staples inside of the stapler.

A: Did you have any troubles this week at work?
B: Well, this week was not as bad as last week.

A: How was your week?
B: Well, this week was not as bad as last week.

Fun -vs- Funny
  • fun: 楽しい to enjoy yourself; enjoyable
My children had fun playing in the sandbox yesterday afternoon.
I had fun drinking and chatting with my coworkers at a bar in Tokyo Midtown.
  • funny: おかしい; おかしな something that makes you laugh; humorous
The comedian's joke was so funny I couldn't stop laughing.
Nobody thought that his dirty joke was very funny.
  • gash: 長く深い切り傷 a big, open, cut
  • Styrofoam: 発泡スチレン
Start, Learn, Study, and Practice
  • started playing tennis: to begin a new sport (usually with a coach, instructor, or a friend who teaches it to you)
  • learned tennis: learn how to play the sport on a court with an instructor
  • studied tennis: borrowed some books from the library and spent a lot of time learning about theory and the history of the sport
  • practiced tennis: go out on the court by myself or with a friend and play a couple matches to maintain my current skill level

1. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
2. 英辞郎第三版
3. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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