- Kill two birds with one stone → to do two things at one time.
- 一石二鳥
- lollipop: lollipops have a stick, but you usually cannot fit the candy in your mouth; big, flat, and round.
- fire extinguishers: 消火器
- pack rat: 収集魔、何でもためこんで捨てない人
- ~をするべき:
- I am supposed to meet Yoko and Akiko at 2:30 this afternoon.
- I have to to meet Yoko and Akiko at 2:30 this afternoon.
- I was supposed to pull the door open—not push it.
- “You're not supposed to turn off the computer until you save your file.”
- Security guard to a man: “Hey! You're not supposed to be here. This is a restricted area.”
- 立入禁止区域
- have to: You have to study harder. (If A says “You have to ~” then B must do it it. B has no choice.)
- should: You should see the movie, Mrs. Potter. (If A says “You should ~” to B, then B will decide to do it or not.)
- ought: You ought to see the movie, Mrs. Potter.(If A says “You ought to ~” to B, maybe B will think about doing it.)
- Oh, you poor thing. Let me kiss it better for you.
- Either one is OK. You decide.
1. 英辞郎第三版
2. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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