Notes from the TM Class
Adverbs of Frequency:
0% | 3.84% | 25% | 50% | 75% | 90% | 100% |
never | hardly ever | once in a while | sometimes | often | usually | always |
| rarely | every now and then |
| frequently | almost always |
| scarcely | occasionally |
| seldom |
never: 少しも~しない, 全く~しない, 全然~しない]
hardly ever: ほとんど~しない、めったに~しない
rarely: めったに~しない
scarcely: ほとんど~しない
seldom: めったに~しない、ほとんど~しない
once in a while: たまには、時々
every now and then: しばしば、時折
occasionally: 時々、たまには
sometimes: 時々、たまには
often: しばしば、たびたび、しょっちゅう、よく
frequently: しばしば、たびたび
usually: いつもは、大抵、普通
almost always: 大抵、ほとんどの場合、ほぼ必ず
always: いつも
Common Mistakes:
× I made a dinner.
◎ I made dinner.
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are not usually used as countable nouns. So, don't say, "a breakfast," "a lunch," nor "a dinner."
Flower and flour have the same pronunciation.
河豚: puffer, blowfish, swellfish.
Full-time regular employee: 正社員
Full-time temporary employee: 嘱託社員
Part-time worker: アルバイト
Temporary worker / temp worker: 派遣社員
Self-employed: 自営業
A: When was the last time you made freshly baked cookies?
B: It was a long time ago—maybe 10 years or so.
A: Is puffer fish served in restaurants in the States?
B: Yes it is in at least Los Angeles or New York. Maybe you can order it in San Francisco, Seattle, or maybe Chicago.
A: Do you enjoy Halloween? / Are you interested in Halloween? / Do you get into Halloween?
B: I'm not really into Halloween.
1. グランドコンサイス英和辞典・グランドコンサイス和英辞典
2. プログレッシブ英和中辞典
3. 英辞郎第三版
4. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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