- 体育の日: Health-Sports Day
A: What holiday was it last Monday.
B: It was Health-Sports Day.
A: Oh, really? So, did you play any sports?
B: No, I didn't. I visited Disney Sea in Chiba Prefecture with my friend.
A: So, why do you have a holiday called Health-Sports Day?
B: Health-Sports Day is a holiday to commemorate the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. On this day, many school children have sports meets and athletic events. The weather is usually cool and dry during this time of year, so October is also a good time to have such sport events. Adults who don't have children participating in a school event, just take the day off and enjoy their three-day weekend!
- 参加する: × join ◎ participate (Join is more like 会員になる事)
- 三連休: × three-days weekend ◎ a three-day weekend (“three-day” は形容詞です。形容詞は数えられない単語なので、”s” を付けられません!)
- pantry: a room in the house, usually in the basement, that is used to keep food and some supplies for a long time. (食料品室、食器室)
- キロメートル: kilometers (standard); kilos (in conversation with non-Americans). Also used for kilogram; and klick also klik (slang).
- “Time is going by fast!”
- “This time of year is not too hot nor too cold—it's just right!”
- coach: the manager and usually the trainer of a small sports team such as in school sports or little league, etc. A personal coach is someone to trains a student or client in a special skill (singing coach; life skills coach; etc.)
- instructor: a person to teaches one person or a group of people usually in a classroom, educational facility, or public indoor facility. Instructors can be teachers of a sport, like a coach, but unlike a coach, instructors can also be teachers in an academic setting.
1. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典
2. グランドコンサイス英和辞典・グランドコンサイス和英辞典
3. 英辞郎第三版
4. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language

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