
Remainder vs Reminder and Rudder vs Ladder (KH Class)

Vocabulary from the KH Class:
  • instead of: (その)代わりに, そうしないで, それよりむしろ; ~の代わりに, ~でなく
Carry as little cash as possible. You should carry a credit card and traveler's checks instead. 現金はできるだけ少ししか持ち歩かないこと. その代わりクレジットカードやトラベラーズ・チェックを携行します.

"The patient's hands are not tied. What if he takes a knife and attacks the surgeon instead?" Mr. Brown asked. 「患者の手は拘束されていない. もしも反対に彼がメスを取って医師に襲いかかったらどうしますか」とブラウン氏は尋ねた.

  • I went to Tokyo Immigration to apply for visas instead of my students.
  • I went to Tokyo Immigration to apply for visas in place of my students.
A: I will never go to Volks again. Their food and service is horrible!
B: That's too bad. You should go to Saizeria instead. Good food and low prices!
  • remainder: the ~ 〈of〉 (~の)残り, 残りの人々[物], 他の人たち[物], 残余; a ~ 《数》余り, 剰余, 残り; ~s (売れ残りの廉価販売本)ぞっき本; 残り、残り物、残余、余り
After leaving work, she spent the remainder of the day shopping. 仕事を終えると、彼女は1日の残りの時間を買物に費やした。
  • 【名】剰余 5 into 22 is 4, remainder 2. 22÷5=4、余り2。
  • 【名】残留者【名】遺跡、遺物
  • 【名】継承権
I spent the remainder of the day drinking with my old college friends at a bar in Yurakucho.
  • a ~ 思い出させる人[物], (思い出させるための)メモ書き, 合図, 注意; a ~ 督促状, 催促状, 延滞通知
  • 【名】(思い出させるための)注意・合図、暗示、思い出させる[起こさせる]人[物]、注意(喚起)、助言
Here's a reminder from our boss not to overlook this point. これはボスからの「この点を見落とすな」という注意喚起です。

She put the concert ticket on her refrigerator as a reminder. 彼女はコンサートチケットを心覚えに冷蔵庫にはっておいた。
  • 【名】催促状、延滞通知
  • 【名】名残、記念物
I often use yellow sticky-notes (Post-It notes) as reminders to myself.
  • consumer: a ~ 消費者
Most Japanese consumers have the misguided idea that domestically produced food is healthier than imported food.

EU standards shatter food safety myth (Nikkei Weekly)

The Japanese government should strengthen food safety standards.
  • rudder vs ladder
    • rudder: the part of a boat that is used for steering in the water
    • ladder: something with rungs that you can step on to climb up to a higher place

1. CD-The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
2. 英辞郎第三版
3. CD-ビジネス技術 実用英語大辞典

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